


Corruption, Morality, Neutralization Techniques, Business Field, University Students


This article aims to investigate the perception of university students, specifically in the field of business, regarding issues of morality and corruption, and the role of neutralization techniques in the students’ perspective. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was employed as the data collection instrument, assuming the target population to be undergraduate and graduate students. The study is classified as quantitative in approach and descriptive in objective, utilizing descriptive statistics, as well as chi square test and paired Wilcoxon test for data analysis. Among the findings, it is notable that the students exhibited a low level of prior knowledge about the observed topics, and there was a positive relationship between neutralization techniques and the respondents’ perception of morality and corruption. The theoretical contributions include stimulating literature on corruption and morality in the business field, as well as introducing neutralization techniques into studies on these topics. Furthermore, this research aims to assist professionals and academics in the business field in understanding corruption and morality cases, and the influence of neutralization techniques on these cases, thus aiding in the search for mechanisms to mitigate the rationalization of immoral or illegal situations in the investigated environments.


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How to Cite

Sousa de Oliveira, W. A., & Alves Botinha, R. (2024). THE PERCEPTION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ON CORRUPTION AND MORALITY: A STUDY IN THE LIGHT OF NEUTRALIZATION TECHNIQUES. Revista Mineira De Contabilidade, 25(1), 83–95.



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