



Credit unions, distribution of results, efficiency assessment


Cooperatives play a role as agent of local development prioritizing benefits to its members. An important issue is the way in which the results are distributed. This form of distribution is defined by the associates and can be directed to distribution to members or constitution of reserves. The goal of this article was to assess whether the strategies of results destination of credit unions are related to their efficiency, that was measured through data envelopment analysis. Data from 92 credit unions settled in south region of Brazil that belong to Sicredi and Sicoob systems were used. The scores of efficiency were computed for cooperatives grouped by to the most used practice of results distribution and affiliation system. It was concluded that there is no relation between the practices of destination of results and the efficiency. It was also found that there is a tendency for an increase in financial reserves and that is important to monitor administrative and employee expenses, because they have increased more than credit operations, deposit remuneration and net results. As main contribution of this study, it is possible to verify that several studies have already been published on efficiency of financial institutions, but there is a lack of studies that evaluate the strategies of results destination. Cooperatives must seek balance in the distribution of results either to reserves, which are important for economic and financial sustainability, and to deliberation in assembly, important for the sustainability of the relation with its members and compliance with cooperative principles.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, P. C., Moreira, V. R., & Gama Fully Bressan, V. (2024). DISTRIBUTION OF RESULTS AND EFFICIENCY IN CREDIT UNIONS. Revista Mineira De Contabilidade, 25(1), 53–68. https://doi.org/10.51320/rmc.v25i1.1532



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