Integrated Report, Financial Institution, COVID-19 pandemic, Corporate social responsibility, Global CompactAbstract
This study aims to analyze the integrated reports in the context of COVID-19, using as a criterion the information related to the concept of capitals and examining the reports of the main private financial institutions in Brazil. This research is characterized as qualitative, descriptive, and documentary. The sample includes the three largest private financial institutions in Brazil and analyzes the integrated reports for 2020. Financial institutions are analyzed based on seventeen indicators, which measure financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social, relationship and natural capital. The results show that there were changes in the information reported in all RI capitals, and the capital stock was the one that had the most information reported. Thus, it can be inferred that in the context of a pandemic, institutions made greater partnerships with hospitals, donations, and community support, which resulted in greater dissemination of this type of capital in their IR. The study contributes to assess the changes that have taken place in the integrated reports, motivated by the context of the pandemic. Furthermore, this study serves as a support to start the debate on the quality of integrated reports in all sectors of the industry. The research results can help managers to improve their integrated reports, by investing more financial resources in the elaboration and communication of this type of document, which is a tool for transparency and legitimacy.
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- 2023-11-30 (2)
- 2023-08-31 (1)
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